Turning around from ‘stuck’ to ‘blessed’

Thanking the sticky situation, I’d dive in straight into this post..

Unwanted belief 1 : No one visits my blog site, n there’s no one who wants to read stuff I’m writing..

Yeah??? Seriously?? I thought this blog site was meant for you to express yourself. Since when does ‘having a voice’ got to do with ‘having others ears’

Yet, you’ve got 33k plus hits on your site, and 17k plus visitors. Which means, your voice is reaching out. Yayyy!!

So we turned this around to👇

New belief: Yes!! I’m able to voice myself beautifully through this blog, and my voice is getting heard. I’m loving it ❤️🎁

Unwanted belief 2: None of the parrots wanna eat the fruit that I’ve kept for them. They eat fruits offered by others yet not from mine..

(I’m a bit of a bird person, so this is a big deal for me)

Yeah??? But what about the parrots that you see all the time, not just outside your home but everywhere?? N what about the green wood peckers, so many of them that you noticed outside?? N the squirrels that converse with you all the time. N the crows that wanna eat out of your window?? DAILY?? N the rabbits that ate the carrots you fed them, n the canary who’d say hi to you??? N the tailor birds n the bul Bulls n the mynahs n the cuckoos???

You are truly blessed. An unusual bird showed up outside your window in Pune too. You’re connecting with them, n they love you. Not all love has got to do with eating fruits you offer right??

N yet, there are so many that choose to eat stuff that you’ve fed!!

New belief: yay!! I love birds n they love me back. They show up in front of me, regularly n I love their presence in my life❤️🎁

Unwanted belief 3: Clients never show up n no one wants to work with me. Am I always gonna be without clients??

Off course not babe! Look closely. You’ve got multitudinous opportunities n you’ve taken them all in helping so many.so many come to you and ask for help, n you’ve always had enough to help them out. You’ve always been lucky in meeting people who love your work, n appreciate it too. 

You’ve met loads of beautiful people who have helped you ,also those you helped – all by chance ..n even if you didn’t meet them again, I’m sure they’re thanking for your presence, just as you’re thanking them who helped you.

If clients are those people who are helping you n getting help from you, then look out. You’ve had thousands so far. 

N you’ve been lucky to have a heart so open, that you’d not care about what others think, when it comes to smiling at strangers, offering help to people uve not known..

New belief: I love all the people who are bumping into me, for giving to or receiving help from me. I love all those chance meetings with random people who steal my heart with a single twinkly smile. 

I love my role in this world, n I thank my life for being this beautiful n perfect!!

Unwanted belief: I can’t seem to save any money! My bank account always hits zero. I’m really bad at managing money. When would my bank account be full??

Gal, money is just another resource like everything else. It has a flow. It gets full only to be spent purposefully. If the money moves out of your account, and makes you n other people happy, that’s exactly why it’s there for you.

Ever tried saving a large amount of money, n simply multiplying it without ever spending it??? It’s no good babe. 

Life that appreciates these joys, calls for more of those! N when joys are being called forth, just like the blooms that fall in your path, the birds that sing for you, the hugs your toddler gives you, all his wows for you, your art n the joy it brings, money comes too!!

If you have everything else in your life, but money, may be you’re standing in between. See the flow you’re inviting. Every opportunity of joy, knocks at your door. 

Stop waiting for money to show up!! A watched pot never boils my girl. 

Acknowledge it. It’s there. It’s gonna surprise you. It’s there even this very moment. 

New belief: yeah, money like every other opportunity of joy, is plenty in my life. I’m being showered with opportunities n getting drenched in joy! Thank you for this beautiful life. 

It is indeed beautiful.

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