The gift of Mindfulness 🎁

There’s stuff that I read and it leads me to either of two things!

It either makes me feel great or it makes me focus on things that make me feel great!

And I guess this happens when we are focused on ‘feeling great’ ❤️🎁

If you’re listening to our media that kinda makes it super easy to feel ‘horrible’, one has got to be mindful, and then choose the feeling they choose to experience in life.

It’s not unreal, what all is happening! Yet it’s unreal to your experience of life, and that depends on your choice of experience.

If something horrible happened in the world, it’s real! Yet I have a choice if I want that ‘Horrible’ experience for me or not!! And in that sense, it can still be unreal as far as my experience is concerned. 

What is shaping up in our experience is what we choose for ourself! Are we mindfully choosing thoughts of experiences that are pleasant??? Or are we running down thoughts of others without screening them, allowing them to enter into our experience???

Think twice before you believe in a thought that comes from research!! Believe in it only if it serves you! 

Or else feel free to let it travel in space.

Articles that say only xyz people get hired easily, if you’re fitting the ‘xyz’ in the article, fair – it serves you! If not, have the conviction to say, this article doesn’t serve me..

Rather than believing that you’re ‘less potential of getting hired’

Why would you put energy into any thought that is against you?? If you are doing so, believe me, you’re digging your own grave..

Be Mindful. Choose wise n well serving thoughts. Choose n deliberately create your life experience ❤️🎁

Each one of us is MAGNIFICENCE personified❤️🎁

It’s all pretty easy! 

A deep desire, is all it takes! A deep desire to change the experiences you’re having in this life.

Whether it’s the desire to meet your soulmate, or the secret wish to grow rich, be it to travel across the world or to live in a new city- every change starts with the deep desire to create a magnificent experience!

All we need to do is think carefully, what we choose to experience! Speak in accordance to the deep desire and act in alignment!

It really is that simple.

Are you desiring a beautiful change in your life?

You could start by giving your desire some air, by repeatedly thinking about it. Or perhaps speak it out. 

Wanna comment below, what’s your deep desire in life?